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what a piece of art! the quilt is lovely! (you haven't by any chance ever ventured to Paducah for the AQS quilt show??? My hometown! The quilt museum is worth a trip in and of itself, but the show is rather mindboggling.)

Thanks for the praise, Steph! You've warmed my heart again. No, I've never been to Paducah, never been further east in the US than Colorado. I'd love, LOVE, to see the AQS show sometime. How lucky you are (though you'd be luckier if you were a quilter) to have the show and museum in your back yard, so to speak.

Hi, Kid --

Good, good blog! Lots of great visuals, and with considerable variety: a truly stunning quilt (eye popping, actually); dogs (and cat) I know; horses and a dh I know; autumn colours - several edible, but not rhubarb leaves, right?

You've had better weather than out here on the coast, although today did finally turn nice. Mum hasn't seen the blog yet, being preoccupied with prep for the Goffs, who come tomorrow for five days. They'll be off to the mission in Mexico shortly.

I see your spellcheck doesn't like my "colour"; I say, "Get used to it, spellcheck!

Much love to both of you, as well as the beasts. Dad

Thanks for your praise, Dad! I fixed the problems with your comment, and am glad to have it to publish. Too bad you won't see us at the fall fair, but previous commitments come first, of course.

Love, Anne

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